Feb 25-27, 2025 | Las Vegas, NV
Feb 25-27, 2025

Jam(b) Session: Turning Abstract Data Into Actionable Insights!

Wednesday, February 26 | 10:15 - 11:15 AM
LVCC - West 232

  • What It's About
  • What You'll Learn
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    What It's About

    This interactive session aims to bridge the gap between all that data you collect and how to turn it into practical strategic application, empowering sales and marketing leaders to make informed decisions and confidently drive success. We’ll discuss buyer engagement insights from interactive marketing tools like virtual tours, delve into 10-5-2-1 sales principles and the EOS™ framework to interpret sales data, and demystify key performance indicators (KPIs) from marketing to contract. Through real-time analysis and problem-solving scenarios and collaborative discussions, enhancing your ability to identify benchmarks, leverage KPIs to optimize processes, make informed decisions and determine the actions needed to achieve profitable, predictable sales results.

    What You’ll Learn

    • Learn to identify and use crucial KPIs to enhance decision-making and data interpretation.
    • Gain insights for using the 10-5-2-1 sales principles and EOS framework to align and improve sales strategies.
    • Develop strategies to diagnose and correct negative sales and marketing trends.

    How to Attend

    Participants must be registered for an Expo + Education pass. Seating for sessions will be on a first-come, first-served basis.


    Picture of Kimberly Mackey
    Picture of Keith McKinney
    New Home Star


    Registration Type
    Expo+Education Pass
    Sales & Marketing
    Learning Lab
    Level of Content
    Who Should Attend
    55+ Housing Builders and Developers, Multifamily Builders & Developers, Single Family Builders - All Types
    © 2024 National Association of Home Builders of the United States. All rights reserved.
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